A Golden Portfolio (Part I)

Sources: LBMA, Nasdaq OMX Group Many investors hold a portfolio containing only equities. Some 'balanced' portfolios will be a mixture of equities and bonds (often only conventional though with no index-linked bonds). But what is the effect of holding gold in your portfolio? The legendary investor Warren Buffet has famously disdained gold because of its lack of usefulness. But you don't have to go far on the Bank of England website to find a profusion of information on the subject. They boast of the 400,000 bars of gold in their vault. I make that around $240 billion at a current price of $1500/troy ounce. That's a lot of money just sitting there looking at you. The chart above uses data taken from the US Federal Reserve database FRED. I've chosen to use the Nasdaq Composite because of the availability of data going back to the 1970s. This was a period of high inflation in which gold performed well but in subsequent decades it lagged. Still the chart cle...